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Care to Health


Rescuing Health provides individuals with access to mainstream health care procedures and treatments that are technologically available but are financially unavailable, due to lack of adequate health care coverage and personal financial success.


Rescuing Health seeks to financially aid individuals who do not qualify for any other type of public or private healthcare assistance
in obtaining specific health treatments or surgeries. We will seek collaborators rather than competitors within the
healthcare/philanthropic arena of East Tennessee.
Rescuing Health also seeks to be a clearinghouse for information and communication between charitable/philanthropic health-
care initiatives both public and private in the Knoxville area and seeks to partner with already existing Healthcare groups both
public and private, in order to be a hub of communication and information between these disparate entities in order to better
serve those who are disenfranchised. We are doing our best to close the health care gap that still exists in our country.
 Rescuing Health field partners advocate for the patient and give support all the way through the recovery period.




Disclaimer: The Knoxville Healing Center is very proud to host this non-profit organization. The practitioners at The Knoxville Healing Center do not profit from Rescuing Health in any way. 

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