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Space Witch

Space Witch works with the often forgotten dimension of our healing—our physical space, delving into the depths of our environment to reveal the profound impact it has on our well-being.


By examining the physical objects in our lives, we uncover insights into what holds us back and what truly inspires us. Letting go of these objects becomes a transformative experience, a process that extends beyond the material realm. We navigate not only the external aspects but also the hidden beliefs that shape our lives. As we release physical and mental attachments, we create space for personal growth, creativity, and renewed energy.


Together, we cultivate an environment that reflects authenticity and ignites passion. By embracing what resonates deeply within us, we breathe life into spaces that nurture our spirits. Join me on this journey of discovery—a journey where working with our surroundings is a path to self-improvement, and the arrangement of our environment becomes a canvas for the art of intentional living.

About Monika

Monika Miller, Space Witch




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Hello, I'm Monika Miller. Seven years ago, thanks to a radically honest decluttering of my own home, I began a journey that led me to find my passion, purpose, and soulmate. I also discovered the most powerful thing of all, which is that my joy comes from within. It’s a powerful place to live and I love guiding others in discovering what their new life has in store for them. 


I’ve worked in this unique approach to home organizing for the past five years and before that I was a sustainable architect for 15 years. I have a deep passion for caring for the environment and creating spaces that support our well-being. What I'm excited to share with the world is this: the greatest thing we can do for our planet is uncover our authentic selves through this process of deep decluttering. The authentic you is already in sync with planetary wisdom. When you're aligned with your essence, the choices you make inherently benefit the Earth, effortlessly.

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